We just want a vaccine — it doesn’t matter which one
There is a village in Hungary, Tápszentmiklós, where people are vaccinated only with Chinese vaccines, especially after they have been informed: in the hospital in Győr, the back of the ventilator...
Five important consequences of the opposition’s battle royale and unification
When it comes to Hungary’s 2022 elections, one thing is for sure: the six opposition parties will be running with joint candidates on a single electoral list against that of Fidesz-KDNP. But what...
What’s Up, WhatsApp? The opaque world of online ads
WhatsApp achieved something remarkable: it changed nothing and quite a lot at the same time. It's owner, Facebook does not guarantee encryption if your data is in the hands of a third party, even if...
Gyurcsany will be the new Soros
Fidesz could be at a disadvantage if the opposition manages to present the 2022 election as a referendum on Orbán. So Fidesz needs to frame the choice differently.
Telex receives prestigious international award
Telex won this year’s #ALLForJan award. The news site’s staff was recognized with the international prize based on their advocacy of the freedom of the press and their work over the past several...
Parliament extends COVID-19 ‘state of danger’ again
The Hungarian parliament has extended the ‘state of danger’ legislation by a two thirds majority on Monday. On the government side 133 MPs voted in favour, while no one from the opposition benches...
The propaganda minister’s land scandal that was too much even for Orbán
The 1.6 billion HUF deal of Antal Rogán's wife has fallen through.
Why Fidesz faces a tight race in 2022
At present, it is impossible to predict with confidence who will be the winner of the Hungarian parliamentary elections in 2022. But the opposition may have a realistic chance of winning the...
Hungarian diplomat covers up DUI accident in Vienna
An influential Hungarian diplomat caused an accident while driving drunk in Vienna. His children were in the back, and he refused the evidentiary breathalyser. However, the incident had no...
Szabolcs Dull joins Telex
From this point forward, Veronika Munk and Szabolcs Dull will be leading Telex together as editors-in-chief.
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