The European Commission has sent a formal note to Hungary: the Rule of Law Mechanism has been...
The announcement was made at noon on Wednesday. This marks the beginning of a 6-9 month period. If it should be proven that the EU’s financial interests are directly affected in Hungary, then the...
Hungarian Justice Minister congratulates Elon Musk, and expresses hope that all opinions will...
Varga agrees with Musk that "free speech is essential to a functioning democracy". Right wing leader, László Torockai also welcomed the news about Elon Musk buying Twitter.
7 percent of Hungarians say there is no need for independent press, and more than half of Fidesz'...
A survey done by the Czech media company Economia in the V4 countries shows that half of all Hungarians believe that the government should not be allowed to interfere in the work of the public media...
How a journalist who was doing her job became the victim of a smear campaign
One of the first journalists to report on the thrown out Hungarian election ballots found in Romania became the target of a smear campaign resulting in death threats.
Orbán's private audience with the Pope
Viktor Orbán's first trip after being reelected was to Rome.
The refugees among us – a Hungarian photographer's photo series
We are witnessing the biggest refugee crisis in Europe since the 2nd World War. Hungary is the fourth most popular destination for Ukrainian refugees, with most of them having no idea where to go...
The Hungarian-American pastor who held services a block away from the White House while working as...
Stephen Sziarto (Sziártó István) was born in 1910 to Hungarian immigrants in the southern part of West Virginia. He was fluent in Hungarian, and despite never having visited Hungary, his dual...
Mi Hazánk may help fulfill Orbán’s dream, but it may also bring on a political showdown
It seems that even Orbán himself is curious about which way the right-wing Mi Hazánk will go now that they have made it into parliament. They may even play into Fidesz’ hands, but their situation is...
The 98-year-old Hungarian doctor who still practices medicine
Dr. István Körmendi is 98, but still works as a GP – during the pandemic, he was even vaccinating his patients against Covid. Many of them have known the doctor – who graduated from university in...
"Daddy told me that we should go home as soon as the war is over."
Ukrainian refugee teachers are teaching refugee children at a private school in Székesfehérvár, Hungary. Other than Ukrainian, the children are also learning Hungarian. They told us how they fled...
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