Szijjártó: The esteem of Hungarian foreign policy is at an all-time high
According to the Foreign Minister, in the most important matters of recent years, Hungary has always been proven right.
Penis-flashing and “what’s up nice-ass” – women’s shocking experiences being harassed by delivery...
Telex received reports of three incidents of couriers sexually harassing women in Hungary during or after making deliveries: exposing their penis, complimenting a woman's bottom or her pyjamas. We...
Hungarian Attila Valter joins the world's strongest cycling team
The Hungarian cyclist signed a three-year contract with Tour de France winner Jumbo-Visma. This is about as big a deal in cycling as a local footballer signing for Real Madrid.
The number of Hungarians working in Austria reaches historic high
There are more than 114 thousand of them, almost one thousand more than in the previous month.
President Novák to women: It's not worth giving up having children just because you love your job
The Hungarian President and the Pope also spoke about the "harmful approach" according to which children are a burden and a bother, and their ecological footprint is a threat to the planet.
President Novák: The preparations for the Pope's visit to Hungary may begin
The President of Hungary met with Pope Francis on Thursday at a private audience.
Hungary ordered to pay damages to unlawfully detained Afghan refugee family
According to the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights, the Hungarian state is to pay 15 000 euros to the family for inhumane treatment and for having starved the father.
The State Audit Office worries that too many Hungarian women getting university education will...
Women are over-represented in higher education in Hungary. According to the State Audit Office, this may decrease their desire to marry and have children.
Ryanair prepared to take case of 300 million forint fine to EU Court of Justice
The airline's CEO has once again called the decisions of the Hungarian government idiotic, and is talking about political pressure.
Dutch far right politician Geert Wilders awarded Hungarian state honour
German businessman Klaus Mangold, known by his nickname Mr Russia is also among the honorees.
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