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Szijjártó: The esteem of Hungarian foreign policy is at an all-time high

August 29. 2022. – 02:34 PM



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According to Minister of Foreign Affairs Péter Szijjártó, the record-breaking election result of the governing parties is an important confirmation of the performance of Hungarian foreign policy, which should spur the government to implement its strategy even more resolutely. At the annual meeting of Hungary's ambassadors on Monday, the minister also said that he believes that Hungarian foreign policy is highly regarded abroad – the state news agency, MTI reports.

Szijjártó added that "the international liberal mainstream has strongly challenged the Hungarian position on a number of issues, but in the most important cases of recent years Hungary has been proven right".

According to Szijjártó, a successful foreign policy is a foreign policy based on the assertion of the national interest, which requires a "large dose of grit". He said that the country's foreign policy strategy is based on mutual respect, and that the aim is always to build the best possible relations in the interest of Hungary's development. "We don't send ambassadors somewhere so they can tell the people in whose countries they are stationed how things should be done there, because that is none of our business.

We will also not tolerate it if in the future a representative of another country thinks that they are coming here to teach us a better or a different way of life – thanks, but no, thanks. We do not want any of that," he said.

The Minister stated that Hungary continues to be determined not to supply arms to Ukraine. He added that the Hungarian government is not even willing to discuss energy sanctions at the EU level. "All the sham that the western half of Europe has been doing about the energy supply is simply not sustainable as winter approaches (...) Sooner or later the shroud will fall, the king will be naked: there will either be heating or there won't" – he said. According to Szijjártó, replacing Russian import is not possible in the short or medium term.

"Here, in Europe they are trying to create the image that we Hungarians have been left alone. On the one hand, this is not even true in Europe (...), and on the other hand, outside this European and North American communication bubble, the esteem of the Hungarian government and its foreign policy is clearly at an all-time high."

– the Foreign Minister concluded.

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The translation of this article was made possible by our cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Foundation.

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