The various methods used to hide Orbán from the press
Viktor Orbán has been campaigning across Hungary for days – in secret. His campaign events were not announced to the press, and only a chosen few were invited to the meetings. Telex tried to catch...
"I cannot see how abolishing the Constitution would be compatible with EU law.”
We spoke with German constitutional lawyer and EU law specialist, professor Armin von Bogdandy about the legal challenges awaiting the Hungarian opposition in case of a win at Sunday's elections.
Orbán's weekly radio interview: The opposition is playing with fire
This morning on Kossuth Radio, Viktor Orbán gave his last Friday-morning interview before the elections. This is one of the platforms where, for years now, he has been sharing what the government...
I watched Russian propaganda for a whole day – even Hungary's public media is easier to stomach
Hardly updated news, pro-Russian "experts" talking gibberish, and lots of reruns. I spent a day watching Russia Today to show how the international flagship of the Russian propaganda reports on the...
Thrown out Hungarian mail-in ballots found near Târgu Mureș, Romania.
The Hungarian Civili Liberties Union says that so far, this is the most serious case of abuse reported.
Introducing: the secret weapon of online smear campaigns
Facebook is a major battleground in Hungary’s April election. BIRN/Telex has identified numerous Facebook pages pushing a pro-Fidesz line on which paid adverts smear opposition candidates. Who is...
Márki-Zay: Ukraine is fighting our war
Hungary’s united opposition held a campaign closing event in the southern city of Pécs, where Péter Márki-Zay commented on the latest opinion polls, and whether he has spoken with Zelensky.
The blaming game in the Hungarian campaign: who’s “working for the Russians”, and who “for the...
With just days to go before the election in Hungary, the government and the united opposition are taking turns throwing accusations at each other about who’s “working for the Russians”, and who “for...
Putin's hackers gained full access to Hungary's foreign ministry networks, the Orbán government...
Russian attackers hacked into the Hungarian Foreign Ministry's computer network, internal correspondence and even the secure network where state secrets are transmitted. The attacks, concealed by...
The war in Ukraine drives a wedge between Poland and Hungary
Poland and Hungary have had a longtime close friendship, with the two countries having become even closer allies in recent years. Will their differing views on the Russian aggression on Ukraine...
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