A first: teachers from church-maintained schools protest untenable state of Hungarian education
The demonstrating teachers from church-maintained schools spoke of a deep crisis in education and demanded fair salaries.
I am sure that if Orbán showed willingness for a visit, he would be welcomed in Kyiv
In an interview for Telex, the Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister for Euro-Atlantic Integration said that the interests of the Hungarian and Ukrainian people are common, as they include European...
Several more Hungarian restaurants receive Michelin stars
In addition to seven places in the capital, two restaurants in the countryside also received the most prestigious gastronomic rating this year, while Platán Gourmet in Tata and Stand Restaurant in...
Hungary reacts to Putin's remarks suggesting it might have territorial claims in Ukraine
Poland and Romania were quick to respond to the Russian President's comment, it took a bit longer for Hungary.
The grandma housecoat was one of the most popular garments of socialism, even though it only gave...
An unusual exhibition in a Hungarian village portrays the story of an iconic garment very popular with women in socialism, and the legacy it leaves.
Deputy Minister says there are many important issues to be discussed by Parliament, not just...
We have asked the Deputy Foreign Minister why the Finnish and Swedish accession to NATO has not yet been discussed by Parliament. Watch our subtitled video!
If you're afraid of change, you may as well just get pickled, jarred, and given your pension check
How can a person's professional career be fulfilled after retirement, and is it related to the fact that they turned down a promising offer at a good moment? Kati Süle chose Budapest over...
Once imitating tennis players as a child, Dóra Kiss now appears in the world's number-one horror...
The horror Smile! is among the most watched films in America and Hungary these days, and one of its main characters is played by a Hungarian actress. She spent her savings on speaking English...
The Kremlin’s troll network never sleeps – here’s how they spread their message in Hungary
The research of Political Capital shows that the same comments are generated in several shifts in order to spread Russia's narrative about the war in Ukraine on social media.
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