Head of Hungarian Defense Forces visits Ukraine
A team from the Hungarian military leadership visited several Ukrainian towns while visiting their Ukrainian counterparts.
Constitutional Court says public media have duty not to spread lies
The public media service argued that checking their sources and interviewing other stakeholders is in fact censorship.
Kövér: The debate on the future of the EU is about how to become a stooge for the USA
According to the Speaker of the House, European politics are completely disconnected from reality.
The forint’s plunge continues: 1 euro worth 412 forints, and 1 USD worth 403 forints
The forint's value continues its descent. Here's a quick summary of the potential reasons.
Update on the burnt ballots: an attempt to create the appearance of electoral fraud?
The Romanian authorities have a working hypothesis about the partially burnt Hungarian election ballots found at a landfill in Romania in late March. Our colleagues at Transtelex bring this report...
As the forint weakens, more foreigners are looking to buy real estate in Hungary
In the last few months, more and more sellers started stating the price of their property in euros when advertising.
Orbán's illiberal theatre
All the makings of democracy seem to be in place in Hungary, but these are all simply the props of Viktor Orbán’s illiberal theatre. In this video, we show the gradual shrinking of the public sphere...
Orbán: We cannot keep vetoing EU decisions week after week
The alarm bells went off in the Prime Minister's head after the NATO summit. The military development programme will be increased by two to three times, and a "border-hunter" unit will be set up....
Covid-19 skepticism and being Russia-friendly go hand in hand in Hungary too
The research conducted in Hungary by "Political Capital" shows that those who believe the conspiracy theories about the pandemic are several times more likely to believe Putin's disinformation....
"Not only will our rubbish be in Europe, so will we"
For years, the Tisza river has been full of waste which comes to Hungary from the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine. This year, a project was launched to address the situation.
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