MEP Tamas Deutsch: Fidesz and Telex are doing the same thing
Interview with Tamás Deutsch, a co-founder of the Fidesz party helps to understand the mindset of Fidesz in key areas of the political game.
Hungary to decide on second phase of reopening after hitting 3 million vaccinations goal
After taking the first step in Hungary's gradual reopening plan on Wednesday, the government now plans to ease restrictions even further, although the Hungarian Medical Chamber advises against a...
The first six months of Telex in numbers
Telex just turned six months old. On that occasion, we are taking a look at how far we have come in half a year thanks to our readers and supporters.
Freedom of information can save lives – open letter from 28 editorial offices
Since the government and the health authorities prevent reports being made about the true state of affairs inside our hospitals, many people continue to play down the dangers of the pandemic and do...
Soccer commentator’s dismissal sounds a clear warning
The government-friendly TV2 group has justified the sacking of the former national football player János Hrutka as part of the rejuvenation of its commentating team. However, Hrutka’s dismissal came...
The trail of litter along the Tisza: from Ukraine to Hungary
A ton of garbage makes its way to Hungary every year along the Tisza. The main source of the problem is in Transcarpathia, Ukraine, but there doesn’t seem to be an easy solution to the matter. This...
They wanted to steal the project, but I wrote a letter to Viktor Orbán and he made a wise decision
One of the biggest container terminals in Europe is under construction in a village near Hungary’s borderwith Ukraine. Financed mainly by a company belonging to a secretive billionaire, when it...
Orbán’s influence on the media is without rival in Hungary
Over the past few weeks, the state of Hungary’s media has become the focus of intense public debate both domestically and across Europe. After the exclusively Fidesz-chaired Media Council revoked...
The last two refugees from the transit zone who don't want to flee from Hungary
An Iranian refugee and his young son managed to keep their sanity during their one and a half year detainment in Hungary by making a movie together within the barbed wire enclosure.
We just want a vaccine — it doesn’t matter which one
There is a village in Hungary, Tápszentmiklós, where people are vaccinated only with Chinese vaccines, especially after they have been informed: in the hospital in Győr, the back of the ventilator...
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