According to a recent survey, almost half of Hungarian internet users may be moderately pro-Russian
The survey conducted by an international company worked with a polling sample of a thousand people.
The Polish-Hungarian friendship is not what it used to be – on account of Ukraine
The image of Hungarians in Warsaw has deteriorated so much that even Hungarian wine has been taken off the shelves of some Polish shops. However, there will still be cases where the two illiberal...
New anti-corruption measures reach as far as the Prime Minister's Office
It was the government's package containing seventeen proposals, that persuaded the European Commission to wait before suspending EU funds from Hungary. The plan has succeeded, and it is now...
You don't have to be fleeing war to become a victim of child labour in Hungary
The Guardian recently reported the story of a 16-year-old Ukrainian refugee girl who travelled a total of 8 hours a day on a bus to work in a factory in Hungary to support her family. While it is...
Unemployment in Hungary expected to rise sharply in season ahead
The President of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry spoke about what can be expected in the coming months, as well as what they propose for softening the blow.
Cleaner in Budapest high school offered higher pay than bilingual teacher
In Hungary, it's better to study to be an afternoon cleaner, than a history teacher teaching in English.
We have no intention of not delivering on our commitments – Navracsics
"We did not make these commitments with the purpose of bedazzling the European Commission" the Minister for EU Resources said. He declined to comment on the possible withholding of 3,000 billion...
Radio Free Europe: Orbán spoke about the point of EU membership and the disintegration of the EU...
He spoke about developing an economic model similar to Chinese state capitalism in Hungary, and grooming a new generation of Fidesz to govern until 2060 – according to Radio Free Europe, these are...
Hungarian PM Orbán awarded highest state honour of Serbia
Answering a question from the press after the receiving the award, Orbán called the EP's report adopted on Thursday a joke.
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