Cleaner in Budapest high school offered higher pay than bilingual teacher
September 19. 2022. – 09:27 AM
There were three job advertisements published by Xantus János Két Tanítási Nyelvű Gimnázium (a bilingual high school) in Budapest on – reports.
These were the following:
- a history teacher (with a higher education degree and an advanced level knowledge of a foreign language)
- a mathematics teacher (with a higher education degree), and
- a cleaner for the afternoon shift (
with a dustpan and a brushwithout any of these).
The financial recognition of teachers in Hungary today is well reflected in the fact that in this school run by a public foundation,
they are offering a 200 000 forint (499 euros) net salary to the cleaner, while the teachers are offered the gross amount of 203 thousand forints per month.

Although there is no information about the number of applicants to either of the positions, the employment ads are all still out more than ten days after being posted.
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The translation of this article was made possible by our cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Foundation.