Szijjártó calls on European Commission's help as Croatia plans to increase transit fee on oil...
According to the Hungarian government, Croatia is taking advantage of its monopoly.
China believes the EU could learn from Hungary
The report of the Hungarian State News Agency only disclosed that Szijjártó scolded the EU for its China policy. That an agreement had been reached and that Beijing believes that Hungary could be a...
Hungary's top meteorologist, dismissed after canceled fireworks called back to his old position
The National Meteorological Service asked him to return, because they needed his expertise. With a tricky solution, he is chief adviser to the non-existent president of the service.
Hungary's recovery plan received the same grade as 23 others
Members of the Hungarian government have previously claimed that the Hungarian recovery plan was among the best in the EU.
Hungary is a modern, democratic state based on the rule of law – the Commissioner for Fundamental...
The Commissioner's office is also involved in renovating several children's homes in partnership with other organizations.
Our second attempt at asking Orbán some questions after mass – this time, he brought his press...
We did not get answers to our questions on the economy and education on Monday, so we tried to ask the Prime Minister again after Mass. This time, Viktor Orbán was accompanied to church by even more...
New law on national minorities adopted in Ukraine, a change for Hungarian minority there
The Hungarian government had strongly criticised the previous law – now repealed – for curtailing the rights of the Hungarian minority in Ukraine.
EU funds on the horizon, but Hungarian teachers' pay raise still uncertain: the protests set to...
We took a closer look at how the Hungarian teachers' unions have responded to the news that the EU funds may arrive soon, which may in theory mean a wage increase for them. So why are the unions...
The latest from Arte Weekly: Are power cuts likely in Europe this winter, and is the continent...
France prepares for possible power cuts this winter as Europe’s energy problems show no sign of abating. As the UN biodiversity summit COP15 gets underway, we look at what Europe is doing to protect...
GKI: Today’s Hungarian crisis-management economic policy doesn't even have a name, let alone a...
The leading economic researcher forecasts inflation in Hungary to accelerate further in the first months of 2023, peaking at around 26% next spring.
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