Hungary interested in attracting more Chinese investment – Gulyás

The Hungarian government's opinion about NATO's planned involvement in Ukraine, and why Chinese investment was important for Hungary were among the subjects discussed at Thursday's government...

Péter Magyar's party eligible to run in June elections, Tisza Party officially registered

They can start collecting recommendations on 20 April, with at least 20,000 signatures needed to get Magyar's new party on the ballot for the EP elections.

Hungarian government to postpone €1.73 billion worth of investments due to poor state of budget

The "stunningly bad" EU Migration Pact, Brussels having betrayed Hungarian farmers, and the expected growth of the Hungarian economy were also among the subjects mentioned at the Hungarian...

Péter Magyar announces his party

The newcomer of Hungarian politics joined an already existing, but completely unknown party and is planning to field candidates in the upcoming June EP elections.

Orbán accepts award from Dodik, considers it an authorisation

The controversial award was previously presented to Putin by the Bosnian Serb leader. The Hungarian PM said that international politics has been unfair towards the Serbs, who belong in the EU.

Orbán átvette Dodiktól a kitüntetését, amit egy felhatalmazásnak tart

Az ellentmondásos kitüntetést előzőleg Putyin kapta meg a boszniai szerb vezetőtől. Orbán szerint az Ukrajnának adott uniós pénzek töredékéből rengeteget lehetne fejleszteni Boszniában.

Orbán likely to ruffle feathers if he really accepts the medal previously awarded to Putin

The leader of the Bosnian Serbs has called Orbán "a great friend of Republic Srpska". While Orbán has recently put significantly more energy into Hungary's relationship with the Serb entity of...

Sokan felhorgadhatnak, ha Orbán átveszi a kitüntetést, amit előzőleg Putyin kapott

Orbán a nemzetiségi konfliktusokkal terhelt Bosznia-Hercegovinában kiemelten Milorad Dodikkal, a boszniai szerbek elszakadáson dolgozó és perbe fogott vezetőjével barátkozik. Dodik szerint Orbán...

The Dead Kennedys’ protest over use of their iconic photo for political campaigning in Hungary

The legendary punk band’s members said they had not given permission to the pro-government organization to borrow their famous image.

Orbán személyesen veszi át a boszniai szerbektől azt a díjat, amit tavaly Putyin kapott

Gazdasági fórumot is tartanak Banja Lukában, amin 23 magyar cég képviselteti magát.

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