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Hungarian Justice Minister lodges defense with EU Court of Justice on infringement procedure

March 09. 2023. – 10:51 AM



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Justice Minister Judit Varga has lodged a defense with the Court of Justice of the European Union against the Hungarian Child Protection Act. According to her, "education is a matter of national jurisdiction, and it is the parents' right to decide on the upbringing of their children."

Last December, the European Commission brought an action for infringement before the European Court of Justice over the new Hungarian Child Protection Act, which happens to have an anti-gay bias. The European Court of Justice has already annulled several Hungarian laws: the so-called 'lex CEU' and 'the Stop Soros law' were also victims of such a procedure. But before this can happen, a long legal process, often lasting years, must be completed to decide whether the law is compatible with EU law. So unless the anti-gay amendment is withdrawn by the Hungarian parliament, it will be years before we see a result.

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