Hát minket meg ki pénzel? Jelentős részben az olvasók, ettől lehet a Telex az ország legnagyobb teljesen ingyenes független hírlapja. Köszönjük, hogy támogatásoddal segíted a munkánkat! Már a támogatónk vagy? Jelentkezz be! Beszállok! Elrejtés

Be a part of shaping Telex English!

March 07. 2023. – 07:54 AM



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At Telex English, our goal continues to be to provide our readers with quick, unbiased, and informative content about events pertaining to Hungary from Hungarian journalists.

Much has happened in the past year since we stepped into high gear in our English language column. However, we have no intention of slowing down and remain committed to bringing you quality coverage of all that matters when it comes to news from Hungary.

We do know that there is always room for improvement and growth, and that’s why we are asking you to help us make Telex English even better by filling out a quick, anonymous survey.

We’d really appreciate it if you could spare a few minutes (really just a few, about 3-4 mins!) to give us your feedback on what you like, what you don’t like, and what you’d like to read more (or less) about. Your feedback will be of great help to us in knowing how we can serve you better!

You can find the survey here: >>

We recommend filling it out on a desktop or laptop computer.

Thanks in advance!

And if you’ve only discovered Telex English recently, make sure to follow us on Twitter as well, and subscribe to our weekly newsletter to make sure you don’t miss out on any important news from Hungary!

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