There is no European language in which peace equals surrender and sovereignty equals occupation – von der Leyen to Orbán

October 09. 2024. – 01:57 PM


There is no European language in which peace equals surrender and sovereignty equals occupation – von der Leyen to Orbán
European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen speaks at the European Parliament, in Strasbourg – Photo: Yves Herman / Reuters


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After the Hungarian Prime Minister concluded his speech, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission was first to react to what had been said. In her introduction, she spoke about the recent floods in Europe, with a special focus on the example of Hungary. She pointed out that Hungary requested financial help from the EU to deal with the aftermath of the floods and it was granted, because the Hungarians deserve it. Turning to the war in Ukraine, Von der Leyen said there were still people who don't blame the war on Russia and Putin, but on Ukraine, which is fighting for its freedom.

Is Hungary being blamed for the Russian invasion in '56? – Von der Leyen asked, adding that “There is no European language in which peace equals surrender and sovereignty equals occupation.”

According to von der Leyen, there is only one way forward: we must continue to empower Ukraine’s resistance with political, financial and military support. We are making Russia pay for the damage it is causing. "We will continue to stand by Ukraine during the winter," Ursula von der Leyen said of the EU loan, which will be financed from frozen Russian bank accounts.

Everyone understands that a European response to migration is needed, which is why the new migration packages have been adopted and must now be implemented, von der Leyen said. She then turned to Orbán and asked him how it was possible that the Hungarian state had released people smugglers. The EC president said that "throwing" the problem over to one's neighbours does not equal defending the EU.

“How is it possible that Hungary is letting Russian citizens into the EU without security checks? ”

– von der Leyen asked, and added that the Hungarian visa system poses a security risk for all member states, and the presence of Chinese police in Hungary is a loophole for external interference.

She said that she agrees with Orbán about the need for Europe to remain united. "We are one family, your history is our history, your future is our future. 10 million Hungarians are 10 million reasons to build our common future together. Long live Europe!" – von der Leyen concluded her speech.

At the end of her speech, the President of the European Commission received a standing ovation from most of the European Parliament. On the right, however, where Fidesz's group, Patriots for Europe, is located – everyone remained seated.

Weber: “Nobody wants to meet with you”

Manfred Weber, President of the European People's Party was next to speak and said that Orbán had touched on all sorts of things during his speech, including agriculture, but "he did not mention Ukraine in a single sentence".

“As a former freedom fighter, you are not only ignoring the Ukrainians' desire to live in peace, but also their desire to live in freedom. I find it hard to understand that you are siding with the aggressor.”

– Weber told Orbán. The EPP leader said that European solidarity is precisely what is needed for the unity of Europe, but this is exactly what Hungary is staying out of. Weber also brought up Balázs Orbán's recent statement in which the government's political director said that Hungary would not do what Ukraine did when Russia attacked it.

Manfred Weber, President of the European People's Party speaks at the European Parliament, in Strasbourg, France October 9, 2024. – Photo: Yves Herman / Reuters
Manfred Weber, President of the European People's Party speaks at the European Parliament, in Strasbourg, France October 9, 2024. – Photo: Yves Herman / Reuters

Manfred Weber also brought up Orbán's July visit to Vladimir Putin and said it was strange that "48 hours later Putin bombed a children's hospital". "Your trip was never a mission of peace, but a mission against our European life," Weber said.

"You are comparing today's presidency to that of 2011. Back then, you were at the centre of Europe, but today, no one wants to meet with you".

Weber noted that corruption is a daily problem in Hungary and said that 400,000 Hungarians have left the country in recent years because of it, while thousands of teachers have resigned due to poor working conditions. Péter Magyar's party is virtually neck to neck with Fidesz, which is making Orbán nervous according to Weber. Magyar will defeat Orbán at the next elections, and Orbán is well aware that Péter Magyar is the future, Manfred Weber said in conclusion.

Lacking in Christian charity

"How can you talk about homophobia when in your own country you are abolishing laws that protect women and LGBTQ communities? That is the real danger right there," President of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, Iratxe García Pérez, said. Pérez also asked Orbán what he meant by Christianity when Christian charity is clearly lacking in the Hungarian Prime Minister. According to Pérez, "only those who think like him" fit into the Europe Orbán is defending.

“Where is the Orbán who once fought for freedom?’”

The leader of the liberal Renew Europe, Valérie Hayer began by saying that Orbán is not used to being held to account, and that is exactly what is happening now in the EP. "Who are you today, where is the Orbán who once fought for freedom?" – she asked. Hayer said that Orbán is persecuting families who do not match his worldview.

She described Orbán's regime as one being based on "a series of theft and fraud". She said she is not aware of any other European country where a gas fitter became a billionaire overnight, and then referred to Felcsút, the village Viktor Orbán is from as "Fidesz' Disneyland". The MEP also said that while Orbán is talking about sending migrants to Brussels, these migrants are in fact Hungarians fleeing Hungary because of corruption and arbitrariness. "Hungary's voting rights in the Council should be revoked!" – Hayer said in closing.

Dobrev: What are the Russians blackmailing Orbán with?

Klára Dobrev said that she found listening to Orbán's explanations embarrassing. The DK MEP said that Orbán has distanced himself from reality, he has alienated his allies, and he no longer talks about the problems of ordinary people.

It's not about Hungarian misfortune, but simply about Orbán running the country badly, as he is not dealing with the problems of the people. Instead, he is busy betraying European values and Hungary. He is exercising his veto to protect the interests of Russian oligarchs, while a multitude of Russian agents has invaded Hungary. She said that the reason why nobody reacted to his programme was because no one was interested. In her opinion, what everyone is wondering is what it is that the Russians are using to blackmail Orbán.

Orbán responds

Responding to the criticism, Orbán said that people in Hungary are more satisfied with democracy than those in other member states. The Hungarian Prime Minister said that he had wanted to discuss the Presidency's plans, but, as he said,

“I regret that the [European] Parliament has become a venue for cheap propaganda.”

– adding that "everyone knows that none of the accusations of corruption against him are true". Orbán explained that this was why he was taking the accusations well.

He rejected the allegations of corruption and then hinted that it was not he who was corrupt, but the EU. He said that he believes that no one is fleeing Hungary, that this is also "false propaganda" and on top of it, the Hungarian government is actually raising wages.

Responding to von der Leyen's comments about visas for Russians, Orbán said that Hungary issued three thousand residence permits to Russians last year while Germany and Poland issued far more. "And then they criticise us?" – Orbán said.

According to Orbán, the conflict has turned Weber into a Hungarophobe, so he is unable to take his comments seriously. He suggested that Webber should not mix personal grievances with discussions about European issues.

He stressed that Hungary has the right to its own constitution and that it is not true that certain social groups are discriminated against. The constitution does, however, protect families and children, whether liberal MEPs like that or not. "We have the right to declare in the constitution that the father is a man", Orbán said.

"My takeaway from this debate is that Europe actually needs to be protected from you, the European left," Orbán said, after which he invited his critics to visit Hungary.

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