Hungarian police promise decisive action against acts of extremism at neo-Nazi meeting in Sopron

September 28. 2023. – 12:16 PM



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The police have issued a statement in response to the news that a networking congress of European neo-Nazi organisations will be held in the Hungarian town of Sopron from 6 to 8 October.

They wrote that the event is a far-right meeting, and is expected to "attract supporters of radicalism from all over Europe, so there is reason to believe that there will be expressions of Nazi ideology, open anti-Semitism and racism". The statement stressed that Hungary has declared zero tolerance towards these phenomena, which are also prosecuted by the law.

"The police will act firmly and uncompromisingly against extremist manifestations, in proportion to the seriousness of the offence, if necessary."

- they said, adding that they will take the necessary measures to maintain public order and public safety devoid of extremism, and are cooperating with partner agencies and the Sopron municipality for this purpose.

As previously reported, the Austrian press had revealed in May that Europe's neo-fascists were organising their 1st Gerd Honsik European Congress in Sopron, but the news has only now blown the fuse among the city's residents. The residents of Sopron were practically united in their outrage, with the unexpected news even bringing the city's Fidesz leadership together with the opposition parties.

The mayor of Sopron, Ciprián Farkas, issued a statement distancing himself from the rally, stressing that the organisers of the congress had not asked for or received any permission from the city government for their event. It is likely that Europe's neo-fascists will meet in a private venue, making it more difficult for the authorities to take legal action against them.

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