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Ukrainians expect immediate response from Hungarian government over map of Ukraine without Crimea in propaganda video

June 04. 2023. – 06:05 AM


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Ukraine has submitted a formal note of protest to Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó over a propaganda video published by the Hungarian government, in which Crimea is shown on a map as separate from Ukraine, according to an official statement.

Ukrainian diplomacy said that the gesture in the video, uploaded on the Hungarian government's YouTube channel, contradicts Hungary's official position of supporting Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty.

According to a statement from the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Hungary must stop provocations and respect the international obligations it has assumed as a member of the UN, the EU and NATO. According to the statement, assisting Russia's aggressive policy

"is not contributing to bringing about the peace in Europe that the Hungarian government is publicly calling for any faster."

Through its ambassador, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has submitted a formal note of protest, saying it expects a swift response from the Hungarian side.

Crimea was invaded by Russia in 2014 following the Ukrainian revolution and is now considered part of Russia, but is officially only recognised by a small number of countries: Belarus, Cambodia, Burundi, Afghanistan, Sudan, Zimbabwe and North Korea.

The video in question also includes a Russian tank, although the well-known signage on it has been blurred out:

Late on Saturday, the corrected version of the government's propaganda video, in which Crimea was not portrayed as part of Ukraine, was posted on the Youtube channel of André Palóc, senior analyst at Századvég Foundation, which has close ties to the Hungarian government, Portfólió.hu reports.

Somewhat later, the video’s setting was changed to private, so it can not be viewed, but here is a screenshot of the corrected map taken before the setting was changed:

Screenshot from the corrected video – Source: André Palóc / Youtube
Screenshot from the corrected video – Source: André Palóc / Youtube

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