Hungarian Foreign minister objects to Ukraine being invited to meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers' Council

April 05. 2023. – 08:31 AM



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Inviting the Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs to the NATO Foreign Ministers' meeting violates the principle of unity of the allies, and Hungary will only support Ukraine's integration efforts if the rights of the Hungarian minority in Transcarpathia are restored, Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on his Facebook page on Tuesday.

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The minister posted this as the one-and-a-half-day meeting of NATO foreign ministers was about to begin. He also wrote that Hungary had gone there in the hope that no one would question the validity of the earlier joint decision that NATO was not involved in the war going on in our neighbourhood and that everything should be done to prevent a direct NATO-Russia conflict.
The minister said that the invitation of the Ukrainian foreign minister violates the principle of unity of the allies within NATO, but Hungary will participate in the meeting in the spirit of constructiveness.

"I will make it clear again that Hungary will support any integration efforts of Ukraine only if the Ukrainians restore to the Hungarians in Transcarpathia the rights they enjoyed before 2015," the minister wrote in his post.

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