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Slovak Defense Minister claims Ukrainian soldiers are being trained in Hungary

March 07. 2023. – 11:20 AM



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Slovak Defense Minister Jaroslav Naď participated in a discussion in Nagymihály, eastern Slovakia, on Monday, and claimed that Ukrainian soldiers are being trained in Hungary, Paraméter reports.

The discussion, organised by the Slovak Foreign Ministry, was attended by the head of the ministry, Rastislav Káčer, and Defense Minister Jaroslav Naď, who shared their views on the Russian-Ukrainian war, which has been going on for more than a year. The event was also attended by a pro-Russian group, whose members were shouting loudly in the room, trying to hinder the two ministers' conversation, as it can be heard here.

During the discussion, the role of neighbouring countries was brought up, with Naď saying that neighbouring countries have a duty to support Ukraine, as Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland, among others have been doing. "But Hungary is staying out of this", a member of the pro-Russian crowd shouted after hearing the Slovak minister's words. In response, Naď claimed that the Hungarians were also helping by training Ukrainian soldiers. "The fact that you don't know about this and that there is propaganda being spread about them not helping is one thing. But did you know that Ukrainian soldiers are being trained on their territory (i.e. in Hungary – ed.)?" – Paraméter quotes the Slovak Defense Minister as saying.

The words of Jaroslav Naď are all the more interesting because the Orbán government has continued to stress its neutrality with regard to the Russian-Ukrainian war in all forums, saying that Hungary must not get involved in this conflict.

We have sent questions about the Slovak Defense Minister's statement to the Hungarian Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

We received a reply from the Ministry of Defense, explaining that the Hungarian Defense Forces are involved in the training of Ukrainian military medical specialists for humanitarian purposes, and that wounded Ukrainian soldiers have also been treated in Hungary. "Hungary's position has not changed: we are on the side of peace, and we do not support any steps that lead to an escalation of the war – it is for this reason that we are not sending weapons or soldiers to Ukraine," they wrote.

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