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Marcell Rév receives Emmy for his work on the hit series Euphoria

September 05. 2022. – 02:18 PM



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The technical Emmy awards were handed out over the weekend, with Hungarian cinematographer, Marcell Rév winning the "Outstanding Cinematography for a Single-Camera Series (One Hour)" category for his work on the series Euphoria. The Hungarian director of photography was already nominated last year for the HBO series' episode 'Trouble Don't Last Always" and this year he received the nomination for another episode entitled "The Theater And Its Double", which won him the award.

Photo: Amy Sussman / Getty Images / AFP
Photo: Amy Sussman / Getty Images / AFP

The Emmy Creative Awards, which are presented for outstanding artistic and technical achievement in various television genres, guest appearances in weekly series, and outstanding work in the animated, reality and documentary categories, were held on Saturday and Sunday.

This spring Telex published a selection of Rév’s photograhy, and he told us that he doesn’t consider himself a photographer. He explained that in his opinion photography is art, while being a cinematographer is more of a craft. The second season of Euphoria was shot on film, and not just any kind, but the legendary Kodak Ektachrom. Rév explained that the choice of raw materials, reminiscent of classical times, was in no way intended to evoke nostalgia. The intention of the filmmakers was to evoke art and memories, as well as the highlights of filmmaking in a much deeper, multi-layered way.

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The translation of this article was made possible by our cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Foundation.

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