With 130 votes in favor and 50 against, the Hungarian Parliament accepted the proposal of the governing parties' vision of Europe, in which they set out their Hungarian vision for the future of the EU, and which they believe the Hungarian government should represent in EU debates from now on.
The main points of their vision are as follows:
- they would dissolve the directly elected European Parliament, and recommend that national parliaments delegate representatives instead;
- they would give national parliaments a veto on EU legislation;
- they would introduce a common army;
- they would limit the powers of the common institutions;
- they condemn the sanctions against Russia;
- they would support the accession of the Western-Balkan countries to the EU
- and they would prohibit the EU taking loans
In regards to the last point, it should be noted that
due to corruption risks, Hungary is currently the only member state not receiving money from the EU's joint loan.
The resolution also states that "Parliament calls on the Government to forward this resolution as the Hungarian Parliament's position on the future of Europe to the Presidents of the European Council, the European Parliament, the European Commission and the current President of the Council of the European Union".
The majority of the EU's plans are running exactly counter to the ideas outlined above. For example, the extension of the European Parliament's powers and the limitation of the Member States' veto rights in the European Council are both on the agenda.
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The translation of this article was made possible by our cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Foundation.