Telex asked Orbán allies: have power and influence changed Viktor Orbán?

February 17. 2022. – 11:43 AM



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A few days ago, for the 23rd year in a row, Viktor Orbán gave a speech on the state of the country of Hungary. As is his custom, he evaluated the year behind us, and set the course for what’s ahead, clearly marking the main points of Fidesz’s strategy. This year’s evaluation was especially significant as it coincided with the starting date of the campaign for the 2022 parliamentary elections in Hungary.

Telex’s team was there to interview the Fidesz dignitaries and pro-government media personalities as they arrived for the event. Among others, we spoke with (or attempted to do so) Miklós Szánthó, president of the Central European Press and Media Foundation (KESMA) which basically controls almost all Hungarian media, longtime FIDESZ MPs, and some of those who are at the helm of Hungary’s most important cultural institutions. We also attempted to talk to Zsolt Bayer, probably the most influential journalist and presenter of the world of KESMA.

The main question addressed to them all was: “How do you see the prime minister after so many years in power, has he changed at all?”

If you’re curious about their answer, watch the video below (and don’t forget to turn on the English subtitles)!