Katalin Novák returns to public life as head of an NGO aiming to tackle declining global birthrate

September 10. 2024. – 08:21 AM



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Former Hungarian president Katalin Novák has announced on X that she will be heading up an NGO in the future.

Novák, who resigned her post in February, will become CEO of XY Worldwide, an organisation that aims to develop "pioneering solutions" to the declining global birth rate. She is also a co-founder of the organisation, the announcement states.

Prior to serving as president, Novák was secretary of state for family affairs and continued to take a keen interest in the fight against low birth rates as president too. One of her allies in this was, surprisingly, Elon Musk. One of the ways the former president tried to stress the importance of starting a family was through questionnaires.

Katalin Novák resigned from her post as President of Hungary on 10 February, after it had been revealed that on account of the Pope's 2023 visit to Hungary, she had granted a presidential pardon to Endre K., who as deputy director of the Bicske children's home had helped cover up paedophile crimes. The fact that her decision ran counter to Fidesz' key political message of protecting children and families only increased the outrage in the country.

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