Woody Allen sends video greeting to Hungarian actor playing his character for forty years

November 08. 2023. – 02:58 PM


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Woody Allen, the 87-year-old author and former lead actor of Play it again, Sam! sent a video message to Hungarian actor András Kern, congratulating him for having played Allen's character, Felix for forty years. "The anniversary performance was attended by former cast members, as many actors have passed through the Manhattan home of the divorced film critic Allan Felix over four decades of cast changes and understudies. There is only one role for which there have never been any other applicants: Allan has of course always – or rather, on 523 nights – been played by András Kern," Vígszínház, the Budapest home of the play said in a statement.

They went on to say that someone playing the same role for so many years counts as a rarity in theatrical history.

"You've made me into a big hero and I never have to leave my living room. So please continue, and I wish you 20, 40 or 60 more years of great success." – the Oscar-winning director said in his recorded message.

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