The Brussels globalists are waging a hybrid war against Hungary, which is defending its sovereignty – House Speaker Kövér

September 07. 2023. – 10:10 AM


In an interview with Mandiner, László Kövér, Speaker of the Hungarian National Assembly discussed – among others – Sweden's NATO accession, the Russian-Ukrainian war, the US ambassador to Hungary and the opposition.

He said it was worrying that by joining NATO, "two traditionally neutral countries, Finland and Sweden, are giving up their positions, with the latter as a hopeful NATO member putting itself directly on the front line of Russia", thus "weakening rather than strengthening Europe's security". He finds it troubling that there was no referendum on accession in these countries which proclaim democracy. He repeatedly pointed out, however, that Hungary is not waiting for Turkish ratification.

In relation to the war between Russia and Ukraine, the politician opined that "partly justified panic and partly artificially generated hysteria are now providing an opportunity for the rapid implementation of an old geo-strategic plan", explaining that the countries that still remain neutral are being diplomatically pressured both from overseas and from the centre of the EU to "reconsider their position".

A sense of kinship

Kövér doesn't find it strange that on the celebration of the founding of the Hungarian state, it was the leaders of Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan who visited Budapest and not the leaders of Western countries. He said that 20 August happened to coincide with the first full day of the World Athletics Championships, and that many Central European "friends" were also invited, such as Andrej Babiš, Sebastian Kurz and Janez Janša. "The leaders who were here were ones whose involvement in the future energy supply of Hungary, Central Europe and Europe is indispensable," the politician said.

Kövér said that Hungary has always been at the intersection of aspirations for global empires, and is therefore able to act as a kind of cultural intermediary. He also said that he did not think the country had to choose between East and West.

"It's also interesting that in the East, in Central Asia, Turkey, and even Korea and Japan, we are seen as a relative who ended up in the West. So the fact that the Turkish president and the leaders of the Central Asian countries accepted our invitation must have been partly due to this sense of kinship," he said.

Nobody can win this war

The government's constant narrative on the Russian-Ukrainian war was also brought up in the interview, with Kövér saying that President Novák's main focus is always on peace, which "in itself sets her and Hungary apart from all other politicians of our European allies and NATO member states".

"The latter continue to babble on about how one side can win the war even after hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost. Except that no one can win it, everyone has already lost this war. To be precise, everyone – except for the United States, and especially the lobbies of the military industry, and the energy and financial lobby which control that country," the interview quotes Kövér as saying..

The politician also said that there is nothing wrong with the fact that Hungary is more or less the only European country to continue to hold regular talks with Russia: in his opinion, if Hungary is not at war with Russia, then it is normal for politicians from different countries to talk to each other.

"I don't understand why anyone would think that Russia's leader would start shaking in his boots because some EU or European politician refuses to talk to him," he said.

The “supposed US ambassador”

In the interview, Kövér referred to US Ambassador to Hungary, David Pressman as the "supposed US ambassador", saying that his activities make it difficult to call him that. According to Kövér, the diplomat "represents all the negative stereotypes that make Yankees not overly popular around the world. Except perhaps toxic masculinity". In the Speaker's opinion it is not the general relationship of the two countries, but the political relations between the Hungarian and American governments that have hit rock bottom.

"When Donald Trump was president, political relations were perhaps better than they have ever been," he added.

A hybrid war

Kövér also spoke about the European Union, saying that "there are intensive efforts aimed at establishing an economic governance that would dissolve the sovereignty of member states, and would encompass tax, employment, trade, investment and fiscal policy, not to mention the changeover to a single currency and the extension of the practice of common loans, which would deprive us of the last vestiges of our sovereignty".

He believes that it is worth questioning whether the EU's actions will make Hungary the victim of another imperial expansion. He said that member states "cannot control this bureaucracy that is spreading like a cancer".

Brussels wants to interfere in the Hungarian political processes by withholding funds, "and they would even expect us to be ashamed of ourselves because of it".

According to Kövér, this is in fact a hybrid war waged by the Brussels globalists against Hungary and Poland, which are defending their sovereignty.

He does not expect a right-wing predominance following the European elections, but he does expect change.

As for the Hungarian economic situation, he believes that "as long as people have a stable income, they don't feel the situation is so dramatic, even if inflation has sapped that income considerably. It should also be kept in mind that ten years of steady gains have allowed many families to build up the reserves that are now helping them through these difficult times".

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