The doctor from Buda featured on Telex two years ago celebrates his hundredth birthday

June 28. 2023. – 12:15 PM


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István Körmendi, the family doctor from Buda, who was featured in a Telex video in 2021, turned 100 years old.

Márta V. Naszályi, the mayor of the 1st district, congratulated the doctor on the occasion of his birthday on Facebook, thanking him for having treated many generations day after day over the past several decades. "Not only has the care and service of the doctor to his patients been indispensable, but he has been an esteemed and beloved member of the community of the district," Naszály V., who granted the title of Honorary Citizen to Körmendi in 2020, wrote.

István Körmendi started attending university in secret in 1941 because of his Jewish ancestry, but the Second World War and forced labour cut his university days in half. He later completed his studies and has been practising as a family doctor in Budapest ever since, having known some of his patients for 70 years.

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