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Price of ticket for 100E airport bus in Budapest to increase by HUF 700 in April

February 22. 2023. – 03:09 PM



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As previously planned, BKK's product range will be easier to navigate from 1 April 2023, and the price of airport tickets will also be changed. The price of the most frequently used tickets and passes will not increase and will remain the same as it has been since the last raise 10 years ago, BKK said in a statement.

The demand for transfer tickets, metro section tickets, weekly passes and supplementary weekly passes has also decreased compared to 2019, and there have been many problems in the past with the use and proper validation of the 5/30 BKK day pass. Therefore, BKK will discontinue these products from 1 April.

The increasing inflation and the weak euro-forint exchange rate are the reasons for raising the price of the ticket for the Airport Bus from HUF 1,500 to HUF 2,200. This type of ticket accounts for only 4% of total ticket revenue, they say, adding that a 2019 survey revealed that

83% of the passengers on the Airport Bus are foreigners who use the company's services only occasionally and are therefore less sensitive to the price of the ticket.

The last time BKK raised the price of the tickets for this bus was last year. When the line was introduced in 2017, a ticket cost 900 forints, but last year the price was raised to 1,500 forints.

Even after the increase, the new fare for the 100E bus, which is typically used by tourists, is still below the prices for the same service in other major cities, BKK says.

The prices of tickets and passes are set by the capital's administration, and as their goal is to increase the use of public transport, they are not changing the price of the basic ticket and the passes that have been the most popular.

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