The latest from Arte Weekly: The silent problem of bullying in Europe’s schools

October 10. 2023. – 05:51 AM



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After a teenager died by suicide just a day after school started, France has put in place an emergency plan to tackle bullying. Although bullying is a problem in schools across Europe, there’s no EU-wide law, so different countries tackle it in different ways – to varying degrees of success.

This weekly News programme is produced by the Franco-German broadcaster ARTE and made available in 8 languages through a European media partnership formed by El País (ES), Gazeta Wyborcza (PL), Internazionale (IT), Kathimerini (GR), Le Soir (BE), Telex (HU) in coordination with ARTE. The project has been made possible with EU funding within the framework of the „European Media Platforms” preparatory action.