We found Katalin Novák at the Euros and asked her about the clemency case

June 20. 2024. – 07:47 AM



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Since her resignation in February, Katalin Novák has completely disappeared from the public eye. We managed to catch up with her in Stuttgart, after the Germany-Hungary match at the European Football Championship and we asked her why she pardoned Endre K.

We've been told by Viktor Orbán on several occasions that we should ask Katalin Novák why she granted a presidential pardon to Endre K., who had assisted in covering up paedophile crimes while serving as deputy director of the Bicske children's home.

Katalin Novák has now said that she answered all questions in her speech announcing her resignation. In contrast, in her statement at the time, which lasted less than six minutes, she said only this much:

“I made a mistake. My decision to pardon and the lack of justification were likely to cast doubt. There is and can be no doubt here. I would never grant clemency to someone who abuses children.”

She also apologised to those she had hurt and to any victims who may have felt she had not stood by them.

The subtitles for this video were created as part of a paid cooperation, using the Alrite speech-to-text software.