Telex Academy is up and running: students attend day-long workshops to learn how a newspaper operates

March 06. 2023. – 12:42 PM

Telex Academy is up and running: students attend day-long workshops to learn how a newspaper operates
Photo: Péter Németh Sz. / Telex


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Telex Academy has opened its doors! In it, Hungarian students spend a whole day in workshops, learning how a newspaper is made and how it operates.

As a result of the huge interest in our Telex Academy media education courses launched at the end of last year, Telex has been swarming with student groups. So far, nearly ninety school groups and dozens of teachers have signed up for our student workshops and teacher training sessions, which have been running since the beginning of January.

Photos: János Bődey / Telex Photos: János Bődey / Telex
Photos: János Bődey / Telex Photos: János Bődey / Telex
Photos: János Bődey / Telex

In our currently running program we are fostering informed media consumption and media literacy among young people with free programs, welcoming groups of students aged 15-25 from all over the country and beyond. We also run accredited media literacy teacher training courses in partnership with Idea Foundation.

During the student workshops, young people aged 15-25 spend a whole day at Telex, where with the help of media educators and journalist mentors using interactive methods, they learn about what a good journalist does, what news is, what is newsworthy, how to distinguish facts from opinions, and whether the two should be kept separate.

They also get to try their hand at content production by forming a mini-editorial office. During the day, they are mentored by journalists as they work on a big, common topic in the form of independent fieldwork: working as journalists, photo-editors, video journalists and social media editors.

Photos: Péter Németh Sz. / Telex Photos: Péter Németh Sz. / Telex
Photos: Péter Németh Sz. / Telex
Photos: Péter Németh Sz. / Telex

Do you know Hungarian teachers who might be interested in our training?

Tell them about the free training program available at Telex Academy! Idea Foundation's accredited teacher training (called “Szűrj okosan! InfoGrund a digitális világban”) provides the necessary knowledge and teaching methodologies for developing critical media literacy, primarily for those teaching grades 9-12. To apply for the training, click here.

Photos: István Huszti / Telex Photos: István Huszti / Telex
Photos: István Huszti / Telex Photos: István Huszti / Telex
Photos: István Huszti / Telex

Do you know Hungarian teachers who might be interested in bringing their students to Telex Academy?

If you know a Hungarian teacher who might be interested in bringing a group of 15-20 students (aged 15-25) from anywhere in Hungary or a neighbouring country for a full-day or two half-day media literacy training workshops in the spring or autumn semester of the 2023/2024 school year, please direct them to the linked form and we will contact them soon to discuss all the details!

With any questions, write us at the academy's email address: