Why Orbán's "child protection referendum" makes no sense, and why it does
August 16. 2021. – 04:24 PM
Zoltán Kovács
Shortly after the Hungarian law restricting LGBTQ+ content in media and education drew major international flak, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced a referendum to defend it. At first...
Dutch ambassador to Hungary: The anti-LGBTQ-law causes anguish in Hungarian families
August 13. 2021. – 03:55 PM
Körömi Csongor
A law that conflates paedophilia and LGBTI issues is harmful, says Dutch ambassador René van Hell, who will leave Hungary at the end of August. He says that Hungarian politics is also a topic for...
Hungary bans sale of books with LGBTQ+ content near churches and schools, orders plastic wraps on...
The Hungarian Government released the first detailed implementation decree to the recent anti-LGBTQ+ “Child Protection Act” which sparked major political controversy in Europe.
A kínai vezetés ismerős szlogenek mentén lép fel a szexuális kisebbségekkel szemben
2021. július 28. – 18:10
Mészáros R. Tamás
Külföldi befolyás és a káros nyugati eszmék elleni harc, a családi értékek és a kiskorúak védelme: Kínában is fokozódik az LMBTQI-csoportok elleni hatósági fellépés, amelyet ismerős szlogenek...
Viktor Orbán announces referendum on children in response to EU inquiries into Hungary's...
July 21. 2021. – 12:28 PM
Zoltán Kovács
The referendum will include five questions concerning the so-called "Child Protection Act" adopted in June, over which the European Commission had launched three separate proceedings.
Szivárványos zászlót koboztak el a biztonságiak egy dán szurkolótól Bakuban, az UEFA szerint az ő...
2021. július 3. – 20:12
Flachner Balázs
Az interneten terjedő fotók alapján nemcsak a szivárványos hirdetéseket, hanem a szurkolók zászlóit sem tolerálják Azerbajdzsánban. A hivatalos álláspont szerint viszont egészen más történt.
Hungarian Deputy PM: Homosexuality is a sin
Following up on the latest Hungarian anti-LGBT legislation that caused political turmoil in the EU, we asked members of the Hungarian government about the law's details and how they would respond if...
Portrayal and promotion – Hungary's latest anti-LGBT law, explained
June 23. 2021. – 04:05 PM
Zoltán Kovács
Last Tuesday, the Hungarian parliament adopted legislation that prohibited sharing LGBT content with minors and limited sexual education in schools. Since then, 17 EU member states condemned the law...
The European Union as an LGBTIQ Freedom Zone
May 17. 2021. – 01:12 PM
Helena Dalli
Despite the progress achieved over recent decades, the equality of LGBTIQ people remains elusive. Opinion piece by Helena Dalli, the European Union Commissioner for Equality.
Are sexual minorities the 'new migrants' of Hungary?
December 17. 2020. – 04:01 PM
Előd Fruzsina
In recent times, the Hungarian governing party has been increasingly inciting anti-LGBTQ sentiments both in communication and in legislation – could sexual minorities be Fidesz's new bogeymen at the...