Katalin Karikó is awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

The discoveries made by Karikó and her research partner were critical for developing effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 during the pandemic.

The Hungarian who ran the Italian magazine that turned the world upside down

Hungarian-born Tibor Kálmán, the legendary editor-in-chief of Benetton's Colors magazine, is considered one of the most talented graphic designers ever. His goal was to provoke, so he could change...

"It does not affect us well, but the situation is not dramatic" – Hungarian NGOs could lose...

Open Society Foundations, set up by George Soros, is reorganising its operations and will cease a significant part of its activities in the European Union. The decision could affect dozens of...

Soros Foundation to be restructured to focus on non-EU countries

The reason given for their decision is that the institutions and governments of the European Union spend a lot of money on the same topics as OSF, so they will focus on other parts of the world...

The trips of Viktor Orbán and his delegation abroad cost €1.34 million

Between January 2022 and June 2023, Viktor Orbán made 51 official visits abroad, 18 of which were in the Airbus A319 special aircraft purchased by the Hungarian Defence Forces.

From superstar to sensitive mentor – a Hungarian jazz singer took part in Marina Abramović's course

Anna Veronika Hargitai was selected from among 300 applicants for a course led by Marina Abramović at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Germany. She told us about her experience working with...

In a small way, Hajdúszoboszló illustrates the madness that awaits the whole country

The locals do not understand why so many guest workers have arrived in Hajdúszoboszló, as they had heard earlier that no migrants are allowed to set foot in the country. But the situation has...

Herendi Porcelain Factories to remanufacture Verstappen's broken €40,000 trophy

Red Bull's two-time world champion could receive the trophy in a few weeks.

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